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PHP is a powerful tool for making dynamic and interactive Web pages.

PHP is the widely-used, free, and efficient alternative to competitors such as Microsoft's ASP.
PHP stands for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor
PHP is a server-side scripting language, like ASP
PHP scripts are executed on the server
PHP supports many databases (MySQL, Informix, Oracle, Sybase, Solid, PostgreSQL, Generic ODBC, etc.)
PHP is an open source software
Benefits of PHP
Whenever we think off to begin any website, we consider on several aspects of the site including website designing, web developing, web hosting, its maintenance, its flexibility, usability, scalability and how will it be easy to handle and above all the overall allocated budget for this site.

After considering on these aspects, if we decide to develop a site that looks attractive, smooth running, fast downloading, cost effective and easy to handle, we will definitely zeroed on PHP, one of the most popular web development scripts among Java, ASP .Net, .JSP and PHP..

PHP is an open source server side programming language available at free of cost that can be get easily from the market. Its coding style is quiet easy to understandable and it is very efficient on multi-platforms like Windows, Linux, and UNIX etc. It is very flexible but powerful language, most suitable for developing dynamic web pages. Nowadays developing dynamic websites are in the huge demand due to its specific characteristics like it automatically refreshes and does not need to make much changes manually.


PHP (recursive acronym for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) is a widely-used open source general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for web development and can be embedded into HTML.